
How to arrange a room for three children?

Arranging a room for three children requires finding optimal solutions that will allow each of the siblings to provide comfortable conditions for rest and study, as well as a bit of privacy and their own space. This is undoubtedly a difficult task, especially when we do not have a large room at our disposal. So how to create such an arrangement that the project not only looks attractive, but also meets the needs of each of the children?

Comfortable beds for children

When you need to find a place for three beds in a small space, it is worth putting on a bunk bed. Such a piece of furniture can provide a comfortable place to sleep for two or even three children, taking up much less floor space than three single beds. For example, it deserves a mention Trio bunk bedwhose construction provides three sleeping places. An interesting solution are also sliding beds, like Dessi's bed, and models with drawers that allow you to add another mattress - here we can choose both low ones Daybed bed with drawerand bunk beds from the Collet collection or Funflex. Fold-out beds are a great solution for a small room, because they guarantee the comfort of sleeping at night, and during the day they allow you to hide the third mattress, which makes the room more spacious and functional.

A place to learn and play

The interests and needs of children vary at different stages of growing up, therefore the most important thing in projects for toddlers is the possibility of having fun, but with age, learning comes to the fore. There are also different ways to include both of these functions in the arrangement - nothing prevents you from planning a play corner as a common space that siblings will use together, while a study area is best prepared separately for each of the children, which will create optimal conditions for them to concentrate and focus on their tasks. One standard desk is not enough to provide comfortable homework and study for three students. Depending on the project requirements, we can choose smaller desks as well as one piece of furniture with a long table top, which will be divided into separate zones.

Orderly space

After a day full of games, the decor of a child's room is often covered with a layer of scattered toys, even in a room that only serves one toddler. In the case of the space used by three children, this problem becomes even more visible. Hence, furniture such as bookcases, wardrobes or chests of drawers are an indispensable piece of furniture that allows you to store toys, clothes and books. When we have to take into account the limited space, tall wardrobes and shelves that occupy the same floor area as the lower chest of drawers, will accommodate much more things will work best.

How to save space without sacrificing convenience?

A small amount of space is a significant obstacle in arranging an interior for three children, however, if we approach such a project creatively, using modern, multifunctional solutions, it will not be an obstacle in achieving a beautiful and comfortable interior, which will also emphasize the individuality of each room resident. This is especially important when we arrange space for siblings of different ages or for older children. Division into zones will be perfect here, which will be helped by, for example, raised beds, which, supplemented with a desk and storage cabinets, can accommodate many functional solutions on a relatively small area.

A successful project, however, must not only contain all the necessary furniture, but also meet the expectations of people who will spend the most time in such an interior - so it is worth allowing the children to participate in the planning process at least to some extent and take into account their opinions about the dream room.

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