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DESSI extendable bed

This furniture is perfect for all those who appreciate multifunctionality, minimalism and Scandinavian elegance. Its universal shape finished with milled panels together with cushions can create a functional sofa that will delight everyone. Do you need an extra bed? A single bed, which can be quickly converted into a double if necessary, is perfect when you need to spend the night of an unexpected guest. And three spacious drawers will help organize your child's room.

The bed is perfectly filled with two mattresses SONNO - which you will also find in the store's offer 🙂


Przy zakupie łóżka wraz z materacem otrzymasz zniżkę 10% na materac.


2 550 2 799 

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Width: 213.5 cm
Height: 80 cm
Depth: 100.5-187 cm


rama łóżka, nogi, listwy leżyska- drewno sosnowe, panel frontowy, czoła szuflad- MDF, lakier wodny i wodny UV
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Unique furniture designs, created with the belief that every interior
can be arranged in a beautiful way, creating an extraordinary space
- all you need is a little imagination. We believe that you will use it and create the room of your dreams.

Tworząc nasze meble myślimy nie tylko o funkcjonalności, ale także o bezpieczeństwie i komforcie Twojego dziecka. Dlatego wszystkie nasze meble są lakierowane ekologicznymi farbami wodnymi. Drewno, z których są wykonane pochodzi z certyfikowanych, dobrze zarządzanych lasów.

See the gallery of furniture complementing our collections:

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the complementary collection. You will enrich the room with charming elements that add splendor to your interior. We show you only a fraction of the possibilities ... Get inspired ...

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