
Shop rules



These Regulations define the rules for using the Online Store run in the domain, in particular the technical conditions for the provision of services by the Online Store and the purchase of Goods through it, their delivery to the Customer, making payments for the ordered Goods, as well as terminating and withdrawing from the contract.


The following terms in these Regulations have the following meanings:

  1. Seller - "Meble Matkowski" Sp. z o. o. with headquarters: 64-761 Krzyż Wielkopolski, ul. Tęczowa 10, KRS 0000369960, NIP 7671686867, e-mail: shop@

  2. Regulations - this document specifying the rules for the provision of Services by the Store.

  3. Online Store / Store - online trading platform located at, enabling customers to conclude contracts for the sale of goods.

  4. Customer - a natural person with full legal capacity, a legal person or an organizational unit without legal personality, with legal capacity, using the Online Store.

  5. Consumer - A customer who is a natural person making purchases in the Online Store to the extent not related directly to his business or professional activity.

  6. The customer is a consumer- A customer who is a natural person running a business, concluding a contract in the Store directly related to his business, but does not have a professional character for this customer, resulting in particular from the subject of his business activity, made available on the basis of the provisions on the Central Register and Information on Business.

  7. Services - all services performed by the Seller for the benefit of Customers in order to perform the contract with the Customer concluded in the Store.

  8. Goods - all material components issued by the Seller in the Store, which are or may be the subject of a sales contract concluded between the Customer and the Seller.

  9. Form - a form through which the Customer provides the data necessary to conclude a contract in the Store.

  10. Order- Customer's declaration of intent, aimed directly at the conclusion of the Sales Agreement, specifying in particular the type and number of Goods and the data contained in the Form.

  11. Account- a technically and organisationally separated section of the Store's website, consisting of an e-mail address and password, which allows the Customer to purchase the Goods and which contains data about the Customer and order history (placed orders, invoices). The Customer is responsible for ensuring that all information entered when creating an Account is correct, complete and up-to-date.


1. To use the Online Store by customers, access to the Internet and access to the device (computer, laptop, iPad, telephone and others) on which the Internet browser has been properly installed is required. The browser should be configured in such a way as to handle cookies and Java Script. The customer should have a properly configured and active e-mail account.

2. For the proper provision of the Services, the Seller uses cookies (information saved by the server on the Customer's computer, which is read each time the web browser connects). The indicated files are necessary for the proper provision of services by the Seller. Cookies can be deleted by the Customer from the memory of his computer at any time. The customer may also change the browser settings at any time so that it does not accept such files. More information on this subject can be found in the Privacy Policy available in the Store.


1. The Goods offered by the Seller in the Store are brand new, meeting the technical and legal requirements.

2. Photos posted on the Store's website are published as illustrative material. As a Store, we reserve the right to make changes to the design, dimensions and functions of the presented furniture. Detailed information about the current offer, furniture and materials from which they were made, can be obtained by the customer at the company's showroom in Poznań or by contacting the following e-mail address:, tel. +48 (95) 749 24 41

3. All prices of the Goods are expressed in Polish zlotys and are gross prices (including VAT).

4. The price does not include delivery costs, which are added to the final cost of the Order depending on the size of the order and the promotions related to delivery costs in force on the day of ordering. By placing an Order, the Customer is informed about the delivery costs, which together make up the value of the Order. The total price, including taxes, of the Goods being the subject of the Order, as well as delivery costs (including transport, payment, etc.) and other costs, and if the amount of these fees cannot be determined - the Customer is informed about the obligation to pay them on the website. Store when placing an Order, including at the latest when the Customer expresses his will to be bound by a sales contract.

5. The information about the Goods on the Store's website is only an invitation to submit offers within the meaning of Art. 71 of the Civil Code and do not constitute an offer within the meaning of Art. 66 § 1 in connection with Art. 61 § 2 of the Civil Code. By placing an Order, the Customer submits an offer to buy a specific Good offered by the Store.

6. After placing the order, the Customer receives an automatically generated e-mail from the Seller confirming the registration of the order. This e-mail is tantamount to a declaration of acceptance of the offer and conclusion of a sales contract.

7. The Seller reserves the right to change the prices of the Goods on offer, to introduce new Goods to the offer on the Store's websites or to introduce changes to them, including changes in design, dimensions, and functions of the presented furniture, which does not affect the accepted Order.

8. The Store ships the Goods both in Poland and abroad after prior arrangement with the Store via e-mail:, the place of delivery and delivery costs.


1. In order to place an Order, the Customer selects the Good, including the desired features of the selected Good (eg quantity, color, size, etc.) and select the "Add to Cart" command and then continue shopping. After going to the basket, the Customer may modify it or return to selecting other Goods by clicking "Continue shopping" or proceed to finalizing the order by selecting the "Proceed to checkout" command.

2. The Customer should provide his data in order to complete the Order. This can be done by logging into the Account, for this purpose by providing an e-mail address and password, or by making a purchase without registering as a "Guest" by completing the Form.

3. A customer who does not have an Account, who wants to register it, may do so by providing a name and email address of his choice. The Store will send to the e-mail address provided by the Store information with an access password that can be changed by the Customer after the first login. In the case of subsequent purchases in the Store, the Customer who has an Account logs in using the previously provided e-mail address and password.

4. In order to conclude a contract, the Customer should provide his personal data in the Form, which he fills in when executing the Order: and surname or name

b. postal address of the place of residence or seat

c. e-mail address

d. telephone number

5. The Customer also provides the delivery address, if different from the address of residence or business indicated in the Form, and for the purposes of settlements, the invoice address and tax identification number. Providing incomplete or incorrect data by the Customer in the Registration Form and the delivery address may prevent the execution of the Order.

6. In the event of any ambiguities as to the Customer's data provided in the Form (in particular with regard to the Customer's data preventing the delivery of the Goods), the Seller will contact the Customer to clarify them. In the absence of explanations from the Customer, the Seller may refuse to confirm and execute the Order, about which the Seller is obliged to immediately notify the Customer.

7. After completing the data in the Form and providing the delivery address, the Customer selects the payment in accordance with section VI of the Regulations. In order to complete the Order, the Customer should accept the Store's regulations.

8. Consolidating, securing and providing the Customer with the content of the concluded sales contract takes place by (1) making these Regulations available on the Store's website and (2) sending the Customer the e-mail message referred to in point 6 of Section IV with the content of the contract. The content of the sales contract is additionally recorded and secured in the Seller's IT system.

9. W przypadku niedostępności Towaru zamówionego przez Klienta lub niemożności realizacji Zamówienia w terminie wskazanym w potwierdzeniu Zamówienia lub braku możliwości realizacji Zamówienia z innych przyczyn, Klient zostanie poinformowany przez Sprzedającego o zaistniałej sytuacji pocztą elektroniczną lub telefonicznie – poprzez wysłanie informacji na wskazany przez Klienta adres e- mail lub numer telefonu. Klient może anulować Zamówienie w razie wystąpienia okoliczności wskazanych w niniejszym ustępie, które stanowi odstąpienie od umowy.

10. In the event of the Customer's withdrawal in accordance with point 9 of this Section, if the Customer has paid for the ordered Goods, the Seller will refund the amount paid to the Customer in accordance with the principles set out in Section XII.


1. When placing an Order, the Customer has the right to choose the following payment methods depending on his preferences:

a. Bank transfer - transfer of amounts due to the Store's account: 13 1140 2004 0000 3902 8043 6582

b. Payment via the payment operator platform Przelewy 24: PayPro SA 60-327 Poznań, ul. Kanclerska 15, NIP 779 236 98 87, REGON 301345068, entered into the National Court Register by the District Court Poznań - Nowe Miasto and Wilda in Poznań, VIII Department. Commercial of the National Court Register under the number KRS 0000347935, with share capital in the amount of PLN 4,500,000, paid up in full, on the terms specified in the regulations for the provision of services of these operators,

c. The operator of payment cards is PayPro SA Agent Rozliczeniowy, ul. Kanclerska 15, 60-327 Poznań, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court Poznań Nowe Miasto i Wilda in Poznań, 8th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under the number KRS 0000347935, NIP 7792369887, REGON 301345068.

d. Płatność za pobraniem przy dostawie towaru

2. If the bank transfer specified in point 1a) of this Section is selected as the method of payment, the Order is processed only after the price and shipping costs are credited to the Seller's account.

3. Payment by bank transfer referred to in point 1a) should be made within 3 days from the date of placing the Order. If no payment is made within 3 days from the date of placing the Order, the Customer will receive an e-mail notification from the Store with a reminder to make the payment. If the Customer fails to pay for the Order within 14 days from the date of placing the Order, the Order will be canceled (the Seller has the right to withdraw from the contract) after the 14th day, and the Customer will receive an e-mail informing about the cancellation of the Order.

4. A receipt is issued for each Product purchased in the Store. At the customer's request, a VAT invoice may be issued after the customer provides the tax identification number. The invoice will be issued within 7 days from the date of concluding the contract and will be sent to the Customer to the e-mail address indicated in the Form and / or delivered with the Goods.


1. The goods will be delivered in Poland via a courier company.

2. In the case of delivery of goods abroad, the Store, before confirming the Order, agrees with the Customer on the method and possibility of delivery to a given country as well as the shipping cost. In this case, before placing the Order, the Customer is obliged to contact the Store by phone or e-mail.

3. The cost of delivery via a courier company depends on the size, weight and type of the Goods and the place of delivery.

4. The Store informs the Customer about the cost of delivery each time before placing the Order by the Customer.

5. The cost of delivery is an additional cost to the price of the Goods and is added to it.

6. All shipments sent to the customer are properly packed and insured.

7. Sklep dokona dostawy po pełnej kompletacji założonego przez Klienta zamówienia. Klient w przypadku opóźnień w produkcji własnej lub dostawy od zewnętrznego producenta do Sklepu części zamówionych produktów, Klient może wydać dyspozycję o podziale zamówienia na oddzielne wysyłki. Może tego dokonać przez wysłanie maila na adres W przypadku gdy koszty dostawy wrosną, ze względu zmianę liczby przesyłek względem wyliczonych w trakcie składania zamówienia, zostanie o tym poinformowany w celu akceptacji. Brak dyspozycji lub też akceptacji ewentualnej zmiany kosztów dostawy, oznacza zgodę na czas oczekiwania na skompletowanie produktów do wysyłki zamówienia w całości.

8. Dostawa przewoźnikiem PEKAES jest to zwyczajowo przesyłka gabarytowa spakowana na palecie (stelażu), dostarczana pod podany przez klienta adres.

Deliveries to Private Recipients take place only on working days (from Monday to Friday) in

hours from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and the expected delivery date may be up to 48 hours from

date of receipt of the parcel from the Sender.

Delivery to a Private Recipient does not include the following activities:

- bringing / lifting services,

- delivery at the indicated time.

Regulations of the PEKAES Carrier


1. The order is transferred for execution after the conclusion of the contract in the Store.

2. The time of order fulfillment includes the time of preparing the Goods for shipment and the time of delivery. In certain circumstances, when the presented Product is not available in the Store (and there is information next to the product on the website “Produkt dostępny na zamówienie” ), and the Customer has not withdrawn from the contract in accordance with point 9 of chapter V of these Regulations, the implementation time also includes the production time, not longer than 8 weeks.

Zapis ten dotyczy wyłącznie sprzedaży mebli produkcji naszej marki  “Inmondo – room to discover”. Wyjątkiem są towary produkcji zewnętrznej – takie jak materace, lampki, krzesła, foteliki i inne dodatki – gdzie Sklep nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za opóźnienia wynikłe z winy innego producenta.

3. The goods will be prepared for shipment no later than 7 days from the date of concluding the contract in the Store, subject to the circumstances of the lack of the Goods or when the product is available on request, as specified in point 2 of this section.

4. O dokładnym terminie przygotowania Zamówienia do wysyłki oraz terminie dostarczenia przesyłki wskazanym przez przewoźnika Klient informowany jest podczas weryfikacji Zamówienia przez Sklep (telefonicznie lub poprzez pocztę elektroniczną na adres wskazany w Formularzu), zgodnie z p. 6 Działu IV.

5. The status of the order. A Customer who has an Account in the Store may check the Store's website in the "Order history" tab available after logging into the Customer's individual account. A customer who does not have an account will be notified in accordance with point 2 of this Section.

          6. W przypadku zamówień specjalnych ( modyfikacji produktów na zamówienie) termin realizacji ustalany jest indywidualnie, w zależności o stopnia skomplikowania modyfikacji.


1. The moment of delivery of the Goods is the moment of the release of the Goods to the Customer or a person authorized by him by the carrier.

2. The proof of handing over the Goods is the handing over document or bill of lading signed by the Customer or a person authorized by the Customer.

3. The Seller is responsible for any damage to the Goods that occurred during transport. The customer should examine the parcel after delivery by the carrier in a customary manner and refuse to accept it if the Goods or its packaging are damaged, open or otherwise damaged. The customer should write down a damage report. The above are recommendations and do not constitute grounds for refusing to consider the complaint in accordance with the provisions of Section X of the Regulations

4. Due to the content of point 3 above, the Customer, by accepting the Regulations, agrees that the Seller shall be entitled to all possible claims against the carrier related to loss, damage, shortage related to delivery or delay in delivery of the Goods.


1. The customer may submit a complaint regarding the functioning of the Store (including the functioning of the Account) within 14 days from the day on which the defects or interruptions in the functioning of the Store occurred. Complaints should be submitted in electronic form by sending a message to the e-mail address: In the complaint, the Customer should provide: his name and surname or company name, correspondence address, type and date of occurrence of the reasons for the complaint.

2. The complaint will be considered by the Store within no more than 14 days from the date of its receipt. The customer will be immediately informed about the results of considering the complaint.

3. In the case of a legal person and an organizational unit without legal personality, all activities of this entity may be performed only by a person who is authorized to perform activities related to the use of the Store on behalf of this entity and to exercise all rights and obligations of this entity as a Customer.

4. The Seller is liable to the Customer who is a Consumer or a Customer with Consumer rights, if the sold Goods have a physical or legal defect (warranty).

5. The Seller, within 14 (fourteen) calendar days, will respond to the Customer's complaint resulting from the warranty and notify him of how to proceed.

6. In order to consider the complaint referred to in paragraph 4 of this Section by the Seller, the Customer should deliver the Goods or Goods complained about together with a proof of purchase of the Goods / Goods (copy of the receipt, confirmation of the transfer from the bank account, etc.). to the Seller and a description of the complaint. It is recommended that the Customer provide in the description of the complaint: (1) information and circumstances regarding the subject of the complaint, in particular the type and date of the defect; (2) demand a method of bringing the Goods into compliance with the Sales Agreement or a declaration of price reduction or withdrawal from the Sales Agreement; and (3) contact details of the person submitting the complaint - this will facilitate and accelerate the consideration of the complaint by the Seller. The requirements set out in the preceding sentence are only recommendations and do not affect the effectiveness of complaints submitted without the recommended description of the complaint.

7. If the complaint is considered in favor of the Customer - the Seller shall immediately replace the defective Product with a Product free from defects or, if possible, remove the defect. This does not affect the Customer's ability to submit a declaration of price reduction or withdrawal from the contract in accordance with applicable regulations. If it is not possible to replace the Goods, remove the defect of the Goods or reduce the price, the Seller will refund the amount immediately in accordance with applicable law.

8. If it will be necessary to deliver the Goods to the Seller in order to respond by the Seller to the Customer's complaint or to exercise the Customer's rights under the warranty, the Customer will be asked by the Seller to deliver the Goods at the Seller's expense.

9. The Customer bears the costs of re-delivery of the Goods after considering the complaint in the event of unjustified use of the warranty (negative consideration of the complaint resulting from the warranty by the Seller).

10. The warranty referred to in sec. 4-8 of this Department, the Customer purchasing the Goods for purposes related directly to his professional or business activity (the Customer who is not a Consumer) is excluded.

11. Producent Towaru udziela 12 miesięcznej gwarancji na nowy dostarczony Towar, liczonej od dnia dostarczenia Towaru obejmującej wady fizyczne Towaru wynikające z wady produkcyjnej lub materiałowej. W przypadku ujawnienia wady Towaru Klient zobowiązany jest do zgłoszenia reklamacji Sprzedającemu na adres e-mail: i dostarczenia Towaru wraz z kartą gwarancyjną na adres podany przez Sprzedającego. Gwarant w ramach gwarancji wymieni Towar na nowy lub dokona naprawy. W terminie 14 dni od dnia otrzymania Produktu od Klienta Sprzedający powiadomi o terminie naprawy lub wymiany lub o odmowie świadczeń wynikających z gwarancji. Uprawnienia wynikające z gwarancji nie ograniczają i nie wyłączają prawa Konsumenta lub Klienta na prawach Konsumenta do reklamacji Towaru w ramach rękojmi.

12. The rights under the warranty and guarantee do not apply if the defect was caused by improper installation of the Product or its use contrary to its intended use or the manufacturer's instructions.

13. If the customer makes a purchase in non-standard colors, such as pink or blue, these are furniture manufactured to the customer's individual order - they cannot be returned without a justified reason, i.e. one in which the furniture has manufacturing defects or is damaged.


1. A consumer who has concluded a distance contract may, within 14 calendar days, withdraw from it without giving a reason and without incurring costs, except for the costs specified in point 8 of this section of the Regulations. To meet the deadline, it is enough to send a statement before its expiry. The declaration of withdrawal from the contract may be submitted, for example:

a) in electronic form via e-mail to the following address:;

b) in writing to the following address:

MEBLE MATKOWSKI Sp. z o. o., Drawiny 72, 66-530 Drezdenko.

2. An exemplary model withdrawal form is included in Annex 1 to the Regulations.

3. The period of withdrawal from the contract begins with the possession of the Goods by the Consumer or a third party designated by him other than the carrier, and in the case of a contract which:

(1) includes many Goods that are delivered separately, in batches or in parts - from taking possession of the last Good, batch or part, or

(2) consists in regular delivery of the Goods for a specified period - from taking possession of the first of the Goods;

4. In the event of withdrawal from a distance contract, the contract is considered void.

5. The right of withdrawal does not include, apart from other provisions of law, in particular contracts concluded in the Store, in which:

a) przedmiotem świadczenia jest Towar  wyprodukowany według indywidualnych specyfikacji Klienta lub służących jego indywidualnym potrzebom, w tym produkty przy których widnieje informacja – “Na zamówienie”. Nie podlegają wymianie ani zwrotowi, zgodnie z Dz.U. 2014, poz.827 ustawy z dnia 30 maja 2014 r. o prawach konsumenta art. 38 pkt 3.

b) the subject of the service are things that after delivery, due to their nature, are inseparably connected with other things.

6. The Seller is obliged to immediately, no later than within 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of the Consumer's statement on withdrawal from the contract, return to the Consumer all payments made by him, including the costs of delivery of the Goods (except for additional costs resulting from the method of delivery chosen by the Consumer other than the cheapest standard delivery method available in the Online Store). The Seller shall refund the payment using the same method of payment as used by the Consumer, unless the Consumer has expressly agreed to a different method of return, which does not involve any costs for him. If the Seller has not offered to collect the Goods from the Consumer himself, he may withhold the reimbursement of payments received from the Consumer until he receives the Goods back or until the Consumer provides proof of its return, whichever occurs first.

7. The consumer is obliged to immediately, no later than within 14 calendar days from the date on which he withdrew from the contract, return the Goods to the Seller or hand them over to a person authorized by the Seller for collection, unless the Seller has offered to collect the Goods himself. To meet the deadline, it is enough to return the Goods before its expiry. The consumer should return the Goods to the following address: MEBLE MATKOWSKI Sp. z o. o., Drawiny 72, 66-530 Drezdenko. In cases other than collection by the Seller or a person designated by him, the consumer bears only the direct costs of returning the goods (e.g. packaging costs, postage for returning the parcel).

8. The consumer is liable for the decrease in the value of the Product as a result of using it in a way that goes beyond what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the Product.

9. If the consumer has chosen a method of delivery of the Goods other than the cheapest standard delivery method available in the Online Store, the Seller is not obliged to refund the additional costs incurred by the Consumer.

10. The rights set out in this section are also entitled to the Customer as a Consumer.


1. The Seller will refund the amount paid by the Customer in the event of:

a) withdrawal by the Customer from the contract (return of the Goods), including on the basis of the provisions of point 9 of Section V of the Regulations,

b) withdrawing the order in whole or in part, in accordance with Section V item 11 of the Regulations,

c) accepting the complaint and inability to repair the damaged product or replace it with a new one.

2. The amount due will be reimbursed to the Buyer using the same method of payment as used by the Customer, unless the Customer has expressly agreed to a different method of return.

3. In the event that the return is impossible in the manner specified above, the Seller will request the Customer to provide the data necessary for the return.

4. If the payment for the Order was made by the Customer from a bank account, payment card or credit card that did not belong to him, the refunded amount will be transferred to the holder of the bank account, payment card or credit card with which the Customer made the payment.

5. The amount due will be reimbursed immediately, but not later than within 14 days of the event giving rise to the refund.


1. The Customer may not, as part of the use of the Online Store and its Services, provide illegal content, including vulgar content and content that violates the personal rights of the Store, contractors or third parties. The customer is obliged to refrain from interfering with the content of the Online Store and taking any other actions that could affect the proper operation of the Online Store.

2. The customer is entitled to use the online store in accordance with its intended purpose.


1. Personal data of customers or persons authorized by the customer will be processed in accordance with the privacy policy in force in the store.

2. The Customer is informed by the Seller about the purposes, methods, scope and legal grounds for the processing of personal data in the Store and about any rights to which the Customer is entitled before providing them.


1. In all matters not covered by these regulations, Polish law shall apply, in particular the Act of 23 April 1964 Civil Code and to the extent to which it concerns Consumers or Customers with Consumer rights, the Act of 30 May 2014 on consumer rights.

2. In matters relating to disputes between the Seller and the Customer who is a Consumer, the competent court is the common court competent according to the provisions of Polish law. In matters relating to disputes between the Seller and a Customer who is not a Consumer, the competent court is the common court having jurisdiction over the seat of the Seller.

3. A customer who is a consumer has the option of using an out-of-court complaint and redress procedure before the Permanent Consumer Arbitration Court at the Provincial Inspector of Trade Inspection in Warsaw. Information on how to access the above-mentioned mode and procedures for resolving disputes can be found at the following address:, in the tab "Settlement of consumer disputes".


1. Any written correspondence should be sent to the address of the Store, unless the representative of the Store, in writing or via electronic correspondence, provides the Buyer with a different address.

2. The Customer may contact the Store also by e-mail: and by phone: +48 (95) 749 24 41 or 725 220 022


1. The Seller has the right to organize promotional and sale campaigns. The detailed conditions of promotional campaigns are each time specified in the promotion regulations posted on the website of the Store A limited number of Goods is intended for sale in promotional campaigns. Orders placed by customers are processed in the order in which they are submitted until the stocks covered by a specific promotional campaign are exhausted. Individual promotional campaigns and sales in the Store do not combine, unless the regulations of a given promotional action or sale provide otherwise.

2. The Seller may change the content of these Regulations. The change becomes effective on the date indicated by the Seller on the Store's website, with the proviso that Orders placed before the changes come into force shall be subject to the provisions of the Regulations currently in force.

Appendix 1

.. ……………………………….

place, date



Customer's first and last name




phone number


e-mail adress







DATA FOR THE REFUND OF RECEIVABLES (bank account number, name, surname and address of the account owner):

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………….

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………….


1. Please send the completed and signed form via the "Return / order change" tab or to the address with a note


2. The Consumer or the Customer with the rights of a Consumer who has concluded a distance contract may withdraw from it without giving a reason and incurring costs within 14 days from the date of receipt of the shipment with the Goods ordered by the Customer, by sending a declaration of withdrawal from the sales contract to the seller. To meet this deadline, it is sufficient to send a statement before its expiry.

3. Pursuant to Art. 31 of the Act of May 30, 2014 on consumer rights, in the event of withdrawal from the contract, the contract is considered void.

4. The return of the Goods should take place immediately, no later than within 14 days from the date on which the Customer sent the declaration of withdrawal from the contract for the sale of the Goods.


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